The Emperor entered Warsaw on the 1st of January 1807.
Then the Emperor and Empress entered: two tiny aged people, like waxen images, moving with infinite slowness, taking steps no greater than a child's.
Without Theodora's permission, not even the Emperor could enter the Gynaeceum.
The Emperor was passing through the town one night and entered the inn, in which his daughter was working.
He hurried out, through the same inner door by which the Emperor had entered.
Kings are no slouches when it comes to parading, so that soon the Emperor and his entourage enter the square.
In a dream, she sees the Emperor enter her father's realm.
As the victorious troops carry off gold from the defeated emperor's tent, the Emperor enters and begins appointing new officers for his court.
Now the Emperor, who had been neutral, entered the conflict.
Later the pope fled to the city of Benevento and the Emperor entered Rome.