With the exception of the Empire Diner in Manhattan, we decided only to include vintage diners.
The last day of business for the Empire Diner at this location was May 15, 2010.
The Empire Diner has appeared in numerous films, television programs, and advertisements.
Empire Diner, 210 10th Avenue, at West 22nd Street; (212) 243-2736.
Shall we say two o'clock at the Empire Diner?
And of course there were the clubs, the artists and the Empire Diner.
In the case of the Empire Diner at 10th Avenue and 22d Street, the benefits include "free legal advice with dinner."
Ten minutes later we were sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by what looked like an explosion in the Empire Diner.
Then maybe breakfast at the Moonlighter, or the Empire Diner.
And soaked up all the thick gravy with the Empire Diner's underdone fries.