Across the street at the Empire Hotel, a colored cleaning woman was looking down from an upper window, resting her face on her folded arms.
The Empire Hotel was built in the early 20's and is still in operation.
This had become a particularly tense subject since they were pretending to be married and, therefore, had to share a bed at the Empire Hotel.
Three hours later, he showed up at the ballroom of the American Empire Hotel.
The station is on Driffield St, opposite the Empire Hotel.
The hotel in question is probably the Empire Hotel.
It was constructed from dismantled components of the ca. 1850 Empire Hotel in Delta.
Nervous about being alone so late, she spotted another woman waiting for a cab in front of the Empire Hotel and crossed over to join her.
Tom becomes assistant manager of the aptly named Empire Hotel.
When President Clinton spoke this morning inside the gleaming Empire Hotel, he looked around in marvel.