"I want to see all the energy centres, as you call them."
The training is based on Artaud's idea of the human body's "energy centers".
The mitochondria that serve as energy centers in each of our cells are a good example.
GE's establishing a renewable energy center brought hundreds of employees to the area.
And she has her own energy center apart from the doilies, but merging with them.
The modules first arrived in February 2010, which formed the energy centre for the project.
Curatorial duties, if properly performed, are both the ideas bank and the energy center of the museum.
Pernik has been an energy centre of Bulgaria for a few decades.
Sometimes when the pressure is on, yoga teaches that the energy center (chakra) of your brain takes a time out.
Chakras, according to yogic thinking, are the seven energy centers of the body, each represented by a different color.