The black Englewood residents who oppose busing, like the Rev. John H. Spencer, acknowledge that they are the exception.
Violet Cherry, an Englewood resident who said she grew up under apartheid in South Africa, was a voice of moderation.
As of the year 2000, 0.6% of Englewood residents are White, while 98.2% are Black or African American.
Only 5.2% of Englewood residents over the age of twenty-five have obtained a bachelor degree or higher.
The unemployment rate of Englewood residents over the age of sixteen is 25.8%.
"It's recognition that you own this beautiful house," one Englewood resident said.
J.C.C. ON THE PALISADES "Genesis in Mosaics" by Bar Levy, an Englewood resident.
Within Bergen County, Englewood residents voted to switch from a school board appointed by the mayor to an elected board, which is the kind used by 557 of the state's districts.
Rachel Kashi, an Englewood resident, dispatched her housekeeper to scour the town for water, and after taking a bath with hot water from the teakettle, debated escaping to a New York City hotel with her husband.
The other creators of the new foundation are Ed Schwartz, who, like Mr. Huttle, is member of the Harms board and an Englewood resident, and Ronny Siegal, a councilwoman from Alpine.