Her father was of English, Irish, and Welsh ancestry, his English ancestors being from Hackney in London.
Still, I would be considered no better than a peasant of dubious heritage if Sophie had not given me the name of her English ancestors.
Among the Uchendi, I shall be as one of them, unless the spirits of my English ancestors turn their faces away from me.
He was the first native English ancestor of the Harrison family of Virginia that did not immigrate to America.
"Did he inherit these from English ancestors?"
But a second glance shows that the Judge is not as beefy as the Colonel, nor does he have the ruddy complexion of his English ancestor.
Silas Haslam - Entirely fictional, but based on Borges' English ancestors.
Although the family name comes from an English ancestor, the Stagg family was of French Catholic descent, commonly called Cajuns.
For hundreds of years their English ancestors had consumed beer and ale.
Her English ancestors helped found the New England cities of Rowley and Haverhill in Massachusetts.