I enjoy seeing tall trees and acres of green English countryside, even though it's through a glass darkly.
As if out of an English countryside, the span is football-size cobblestones of brown, beige, and gray connected by an arch of curved bricks.
It's such lovely country round about the castle - real English countryside.
A case involving arson, infidelity, cricket and murder in the 14 English countryside.
Below, they could now see the sunny soft English countryside.
Though intensely serious in its concerns, it is as escapist as a month in an English countryside so idyllic that it probably doesn't exist.
A well-traveled or imaginative Iowan might think himself in some quiet stretch of French or English countryside.
The mansion itself is strictly English countryside.
A 'traditional' English countryside can only be supported by a traditionally poverty-stricken rural labour force.
The grounds, laid out 250 years ago to imitate rolling English countryside, are being restored to their original plan.