The front is now approached in the English manner, with a drive sweeping to the side and an unbroken expanse of lawn.
Tell the man to stop talking about money and rank after his godless English manner.
Like his siblings, he was brought up in a spartan fashion in the English manner.
In these two courts, barristers dress in the traditional English manner, as do the judges and other lawyers.
A women in her late 20s, she is slightly reserved in the English manner, but with a quick laugh.
His mother's fluent, though inaccurate, English and confident manner may have led them to expect more of him.
Your cool English manner does that very adequately.
It is perhaps notable as the first mass written in a distinctly English manner since the sixteenth century.
"Tea" turned out to be in the English manner, which mean a hearty snack as well as the drink.
It is an example of an American estate planned in the English manner.