The table was a specific response to a limited supply of 3in English oak that has been purchased without any clear purpose.
It is an evil season when such acorns grow upon English oaks.
Forests occupy 10.0% of district that includes the trees: english oak, maple, birch, mugwort.
The organ's case is English oak with turned pillars at the front corners.
The effects were almost immediately apparent and it shook me how much harm had been caused, even to native trees, such as English oak and ash.
What we got here is English oak.
These buildings were of hand made brick and English oak.
All the doors are constructed of solid English oak and the handsome front door dates from when that part of the building was rebuilt in 1702.
The choir stalls, of dark English oak, are particularly fine, having large poppy heads, each richly carved with a different foliate design.
The trees chosen were a silver maple and an English oak.