This year, college officials decided to remove another level, leaving classes only for the most advanced English students.
Spreading themselves out, they began to hitchhike, just as English students had done in the sixties.
I see arts students' timetables, an English student comes in for two hours a week, and he's home for the rest of the time.
A few English students were sent to escape the bombing in Europe.
In honors English students learn 6th grade math, but at a quicker pace.
Honors and academic-level English students are required to take two years of foreign language (as listed below).
And other teachers told me Bush was the worst English student ever in the school.
His daughter was the town beauty, an English student with marriage offers from doctors.
The results excluded the scores of special education and limited English students, officials said.
Thirty undergraduates, all English students, were given a questionnaire.