The majority of the first English-speaking immigrants arrived after the war of 1812 .
True to its mission, it has organized numerous programs for the benefit of English-speaking immigrants from North America.
In the 1900's, it worked for Italians, Germans, French and English-speaking immigrants.
Temporary residents of Quebec and English-speaking immigrants whose children have special learning needs may apply to the Ministère d'Education for permission to enter these schools.
It was perhaps no coincidence that English-speaking Irish immigrants were disproportionately represented among the steerage passengers who survived.
After 1856, the department hired many foreign-born recruits, especially unskilled but English-speaking Irish immigrants.
The Planters were the first major group of English-speaking immigrants in Canada who did not come directly from Great Britain.
This period included a sharp rise in the number of English-speaking immigrants from Ireland and the United Kingdom.
When the area was first settled by English-speaking immigrants, the distinct spelling "mussel" to refer to a shellfish had not yet been fully adopted.
Thus, the word Texian is not specific to white immigrants or English-speaking immigrants that settled the land.