A few other publishers are trying to bring more Japanese books to English-speaking readers.
My aim was to capture the sound of today's Serbian slang for the English-speaking reader.
D. H. Lawrence wrote, and in the second quarter of this century many an English-speaking reader was marked for life by that particular poem.
English-speaking readers receive a condensed translation of articles in English on mimeographed pages.
And yet, that doesn't mean my books can't be enjoyed by English-speaking readers.
The work was a highly successful popularization of Greek mythology for English-speaking readers.
Moobol.com is in the process of launching an English version for English-speaking readers and users.
This is often hopelessly confusing to English-speaking readers.
With justice, his book is still regarded as the soundest narrative account of the war available to English-speaking readers.
A dictionary is written for the English-speaking reader, he said.