A couple of English-speaking students explain the hold of religion on the populace.
We'd like to move toward bilingualism even for our native English-speaking students.
But the pupils learn art, music and physical education along with English-speaking students or in special "simplified English" classes.
Due to the small number of English-speaking students in the area served by the school board, its schools are spread hundreds of kilometres apart.
This program has proved to be extraordinarily successful in preparing non- English-speaking students for full access into the society and work force.
Our regional school system is overburdened and English-speaking students aren't receiving the education they should.
No longer are English-speaking students avoiding the school.
The yeshiva, housed in a large, white building overlooking the valley, also attracts many English-speaking students from around the world.
Even English-speaking students like me learned it in Welsh.
English-speaking students eager to meet foreigners are numerous here.