Support was strongest in areas with a preponderance of English-speaking whites, like Durban, where 85 percent approved the referendum proposition.
English-speaking and Afrikaans-speaking whites actually work together to teach blind blacks how to make useful crafts.
It is popular among English-speaking whites.
The party draws its main backing from English-speaking whites, who now number several million.
Though emigration statistics are not broken down by ethnic group, the exodus of English-speaking whites has been perceptible in recent years.
There is a sense among many blacks here that Afrikaners, despite their history of racial intolerance, are more committed to this country than English-speaking whites.
English-speaking whites are just over 20 000.
Its conservative Afrikaner constituency detested the English-speaking whites who ran business.
They are white Africans, differing from the English-speaking whites who have sustained the bond with the "old country."
Historically, women's tennis in South Africa has been played primarily by English-speaking whites.