It is an English-style garden designed by Ricardo Bastida and opened to the public in 1907.
Behind the house was an English-style garden, with trellis-lined brick walkways.
It is an English-style garden created more than 100 years ago, in which the main highlights are the perfectly preserved examples of many centenary tree species.
This, however, was not achieved as the topology of the gardens favored the jardins français over an English-style garden.
Beside the lake, north of the town center is Neuer Garten, a pleasant English-style garden.
I was dizzy with excitement the first time I walked through the English-style garden in the back.
The 11 rooms have four-poster beds and marbled bathrooms overlooking an English-style garden that surrounds the estate.
He outlined his plans for the company as he looked out over his own English-style garden during an interview at his waterfront home here.
Finishing inside, he insisted on a walk through his English-style gardens.
The property is 123 acres with an English-style garden and a one-bedroom guest cottage.