What makes the dissembling so strange is that there is no evidence of any administration illegality in the Enron affair.
The Enron affair shows that these institutions have been corrupted.
Last week, the Enron affair, if it had not already, acquired all these trappings, and more.
However, the Enron affair is not an isolated case.
Sherron Watkins emerged as the closest thing to a hero in the Enron affair.
Like most other students, though, the aspect of the Enron affair that most gripped her attention was how it might affect her employment future.
Because the administration fears, and the press suspects, that the latest revelations in the Enron affair will raise the lid on crony capitalism, American style.
Until Friday, the Enron affair seemed to be a scandal focused on lost money, tainted politics and misleading accounting.
Liberalisation calls for better rules and a genuine monitoring of these rules; the Enron affair should be a lesson to us all.
We can learn from the experience of the United States and avoid disastrous mistakes such as the Enron affair.