Who would argue that the banks that aided the Enron fraud shouldn't have been sued?
The total loss related to the Enron fraud, which prosecutors and defense lawyers have agreed on, is under court seal.
One of the things Mr. Skilling was convicted of was participating in that particular aspect of the Enron fraud.
Bethany McLean was the journalist who followed the money of the many Enron frauds and revealed the schemes in Fortune magazine.
In the aftermath, "not a single analyst at either Moody's of S&P lost his job as a result of missing the Enron fraud".
The Enron fraud involved a public company and had a much wider scope.
Had investors understood the ways the off-balance-sheet rule could be abused, perhaps the Enron fraud could never have grown anywhere close to the size it attained.
The judge also approved a restitution order that will send as much as $45 million of Mr. Skilling's money to the victims of the Enron fraud.
"The Enron fraud is as large and serious as any other fraud in this nation's history," Mr. Berkowitz said.
The lawsuit argued that Alliance should be held responsible for the Enron fraud because an Alliance official was also a director of Enron.