Environmentalists accused Mr. Dukakis of favoring economic development at the expense of environmental concerns.
Environmentalists accuse the mill of polluting Lake Baikal, a mile-deep cleft in the Siberian earth that contains one-fifth of the planet's fresh water.
Environmentalists have accused the commission of backpedaling on its promises.
Environmentalists have accused the Administration of favoring private economic exploitation of those lands and of failing to enforce environmental laws.
Environmentalists contended that her policies were designed to placate polluters, and accused her of trying to dismantle the Agency.
Environmentalists accuse the World Bank of backing large development projects that create havoc with the balance of nature.
Environmentalists accuse Tyson and other big processors of operating giant factory farm operations that foul rivers, streams and other water supplies.
Environmentalists accused utility companies of getting away with lax water-safety standards - again by gaming the system.
Environmentalists accused the Mayor of reneging.
Environmentalists and critics immediately accused Texas officials of ramming the project through approval.