Environmentalists often blame developers for building and selling houses only yards of the waterline.
Environmentalists blame industries that have drained wetlands and dumped poisons into shallow bays.
Environmentalists blame the salmon farms.
Environmentalists blamed the high cancer rate on the unusually high levels of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in the tissue of fish living in the river.
Environmentalist Blames Towns Ms. Zenk said she was sympathetic to the small developers' problems, but that the fault lay with the towns, not the environmentalists.
Environmentalists blamed the phenomenon on excessive use of nitrates by pig and poultry farmers.
Environmentalists on the other hand are blaming "right-wing politics" for their skepticism and are becoming an anti-environmental countermovement.
Environmentalists blame the ubiquitous substances for polluting the air, poisoning the water and otherwise wreaking damage on a hapless planet.
Environmentalists blame businesses for harming people by damaging the environment, and routinely putting the business's financial interests above the public good.
Environmentalists blame Israel, Jordan and Syria for extensive damage to the Jordan River ecosystem.