That buffer zone would be entirely in Eritrean territory, reflecting the gains Ethiopia won on the ground in the last month.
Ethiopian forces will remain on Eritrean territory until then - and for two weeks afterward - and no one rules out further skirmishes.
Ethiopia has pushed its way into Eritrean territory, it says, only as a temporary strategic position.
Saying it expected to fight through the night, Ethiopia also said it had bombed deep into Eritrean territory.
First, Ethiopia captured large areas of Eritrean territory to the west.
Currently the town is occupied by Ethiopia, though an international court ruled in 2002 that the town fell within Eritrean territory.
In 2002, the commission ruled on where the boundary ran, placing Badme inside Eritrean territory.
Its members undertook dangerous missions deep inside Eritrean territory from interdicting supply lines, reconnaissance and destruction of air defense.
Ethiopian officials could not be reached because of the holiday, but they have consistently denied that they want any Eritrean territory.
But five days after Ethiopia mounted an offensive, the trenches are empty and the war has shifted firmly into Eritrean territory.