As you explore the levels and transverse perspectives, the architecture, like a live Escher drawing, plays a series of thrilling theatrical tricks.
The music video for "Drive" by Incubus is based on Drawing Hands, beginning with an animated hand drawing a piece of paper and second hand to form the actual Escher drawing.
Diamonds and frogs and Escher drawings, Rachel.
Blinks again and there are a dozen, as bewildering to the eye as an Escher drawing.
In Africa, for instance, there are scenes of birds in countless numbers wheeling and turning in unison like an instantly shifting Escher drawing.
Inside, the restaurant unfolds like an Escher drawing, with a soaring vaulted ceiling and a long staircase to a balcony with two dozen tables.
But on Morningside Heights, the border between Columbia and its multiethnic neighbors is as convoluted as an Escher drawing, with students and rent-controlled tenants often sharing the same hallways.
I mean, suppose it's like an Escher drawing and now you have to look at the fishes instead of the birds.
He could not see the Vulcan anywhere nearby, and the room shifted perspective around him like an Escher drawing.
The first album feels like an Escher drawing, all these layers and you don't know where you're going at any point.