The Estonian authorities scheduled the cathedral for demolition in 1924, but the bulldozers were never called in.
The Lithuanian and Estonian authorities are preparing to offer citizenship to all residents who want it.
There were 982 passengers on board, according to the ferry's operator, Estline, although the Estonian authorities put the number at 1,049.
Other entities purport to offer "international driver's licenses," but such documents are not recognized by Estonian authorities.
Estonian authorities responded by relieving him from duty and demobilising the unit, but both of these orders were refused.
According to Estonian authorities, no distress signals of any kind were received.
Estonian authorities charged that the data flood came on orders from the Kremlin.
He called on the Russians to negotiate their differences with the Estonian authorities.
At the same time he urged to respect position of Estonian authorities as well.
A released statement by the Estonian authorities stated that they "regretted the incidents very much".