It is possible however that the current Ethiopian regime has ignored the compromise reached by its predecessors.
According to library of Congress studies, "many supporters of the Ethiopian regime opposed its policy of withholding food shipments to rebel areas.
The Ethiopian regime just armed SNF militias.
Even many supporters of the Ethiopian regime opposed its policy of withholding food shipments to rebel areas.
The referendum was held in Eritrea in 1993 and the new Ethiopian regime immediately recognized the independence of its former province.
Haile Selassie's reinterment was postponed by the new Ethiopian regime about two weeks before we were to arrive.
The Ethiopian regime understands this.
The new Ethiopian regime kicked the S.P.L.A. out, and a power struggle ensued.
The significance to the Ethiopian regime of the loss of Afabet cannot be overstated.
"I appeal to them to persuade the Ethiopian regime, as only they can, to change its decision and to allow the famine relief efforts to continue."