The species of Biston are widely distributed in Holarctic, Oriental and Ethiopian regions.
The only other monograph on the family Heteroceridae was published by Reinhold Charpentier (1965), and this encompassed the species of the Ethiopian region.
Italy administered the Ethiopian region of Eritrea for more than 50 years and occupied all of Ethiopia for five years in the 1930's.
It has several species of animals and birds from Ethiopian and Australian zoological regions.
It was named after the Ethiopian region of Shire, at the time part of Italian East Africa.
The family contains three genera and some 70 species, which can be found in the Ethiopian, Palaearctic, Oriental, and Australian regions.
Descriptions of three new Sarcophaga species from the Ethiopian region (Diptera: Calliphoridae).
It has a paleotropical distribution and is found from the Ethiopian and Oriental regions.
Ethiopian region in part.
In 1995, the city and its environs became an Ethiopian region (or kilil) in its own right.