Her name is indigenous to Italy and might even be of Etruscan origin, although that has been disputed.
But at least on the matter of Etruscan origins, it seems that Herodotus may yet enjoy the last laugh.
The Lartii were of Etruscan origin, as their name clearly shows.
Other sources believe it may be of Etruscan origin, though its original meaning has been lost.
The word may be of Etruscan origin, via the Latin caerimonia.
A number of words and names for which Etruscan origin has been proposed survive in Latin.
The hypothesis of an Etruscan origin is a viable alternative.
Despite her Etruscan origins, she later became identified with Venus.
This in itself however is not enough to conclusively prove Etruscan origin.
Of Etruscan origin, it was built on a hill that offered protection and commanded all the nearby valley.