The fall of East European communism in 1989 came as a massive surprise.
The last rites were pronounced on Eastern European communism, but we've yet to see who was really the biggest loser.
Yet the collapse of European Communism has also provoked intense soul-searching.
Multiple characters discuss the fall of and importance of Eastern European communism.
The letter issued this week said that since 1989, after the collapse of European Communism, the group "has not become politically stronger, but instead weaker."
He probably did more than any other private citizen in the West to nudge European Communism into history's dustbin.
After the fall of European Communism in the 1990s, the country became a dictatorship run by a corrupt government with heavy ties to the Mafia.
"Red Weather" takes place over the fall and early winter of 1989, when Eastern European Communism collapsed.
It defended Stalin and branded European Communism a "deviation."
There, at a rally in support of the Solidarity movement in Poland, she denounced European communism as "fascism with a human face."