At the end of the last century on the north European coasts, lived men who feared neither God nor the law.
Their data looks at the global picture from 1950, where the main effort took place around the European coast.
It is found both upon the American and the European coasts.
Egg masses sometimes occur in the intertidal along the European coast.
His main aim was to close off another strip of the European coast and a major source for British trade.
When they reach the edge of the continental shelf, in places several hundred miles from the European coast, they begin to change.
Here's how to uncover some more unusual parts of the European coast:
Protecting the marine environment and the European coast are now major challenges for us all.
This would clearly damage the conservation of fisheries resources in particularly sensitive areas of the European coast.
The refuges, north European coast and western continental mountain, were both waiting, apparently undiscovered.