In contrast to the European conception, rural farmers are often described as wealthy and well-connected.
The national legal rule must satisfy the autonomous European conception of being certain and ascertainable.
The earliest statues depicted young black men dressed in feathers, reflecting the European conception of American Indians.
The European conception leans much more towards free improvisation - there's such a huge of variety of musics that it's problematic to call it all jazz.
Courtly love was a medieval European conception of nobly and chivalrously expressing love and admiration.
She adduces a world before gardens, or rather before the European conception of gardens was broad enough to include someone like her.
He argued, however, that their views on witchcraft were not, in fact, irrational, illogical or 'mystical' as European conceptions commonly supposed them to be.
Our national tradition of rights is not merely different from the European conception of universal entitlements; it is incompatible.
All this is very different from our European conception of this sector.
This is the European conception of constitutional freedom.