Over the next 500 years, exploration and colonialism brought great parts of the world under European control, leading to later struggles for independence.
However, in most areas European control remained relatively strong during this period.
Other commissions of inquiry followed, and each one brought Ismail more under European control.
The rebels came to number about 3,000 and threatened European control over the Guianas.
Then he framed a new debate aimed at demolishing fears of European control and staked his political career on the outcome.
He was perhaps the last Sultan to maintain a measure of true independence from European control.
By 1914, only Ethiopia and Liberia were independent of European control.
This means a clear shift of power towards European control and the European level.
By 1902, 90% of all the land that makes up Africa was under European control.
The only regions not under European control in 1914 were Liberia and Ethiopia.