European distributors later released the movie in the United States as an import.
Several European distributors told Zappa that there might be interest if the running time was cut from its original 168-minute length.
During the next few decades, the company expanded its operations internationally when it joined forces with European distributors.
These amount to about a third of all surviving silent-era films, to which European distributors acquired foreign rights and eventually donated to archives.
In 1997 the company inked agreements with European distributors.
(Users here purchase it directly from European distributors through the mail.)
John Matchetts the European distributor also started running user conferences in the early 1990s.
European distributors are basically small companies with limited means of obtaining access to international markets.
We expect to generate some additional sales through existing European distributors who are developing a presence there.
The European distributors for our Mexican hot sauce have been selling a lot of product.