When contemplating the purchase of a house the senior vice president in charge of European furniture sought her financial advice.
Experts say that right now these include American drawings, old medals and 17th-century European furniture.
There is nothing at all like it in English or European furniture.
He surrounded himself with Irish servants, European furniture, and foreign guests.
You can buy European furniture on the Internet at discount prices and have it delivered to your door.
It was very dark, very masculine: antique European furniture, Persian rugs.
It had been expensively furnished with low sleek European furniture.
Although ostensibly a display of American and European furniture, silver, glass and ceramics from 1620 to 1820, it is much more.
The house was filled with the best of European furniture and paintings and a library of 12,000 books.
The interiors of the palace like chandeliers, painted murals and the European furniture are eye catching.