He visited and revisited Poland and made many trips through other European lands.
The voyage from the nearest European land mass would have taken at least four and a half days under ideal conditions.
For nearly dcenturies the Jews had not enjoyed a permanent I in European lands.
For nearly nineteen centuries the Jews had not enjoyed a permanent welcome in European lands.
If there is one common issue, it is immigration - formally outlawed by many European lands, yet posing a fundamental paradox.
This idea had a strong influence in the growth of nationalism in 19th-century European lands - especially ones ruled by élites from somewhere else.
At least 700,000 of the refugees have fled from the country, many to Western European lands whose governments have resolved not to admit any more.
This is a crucial matter as it affects thousands of hectares of European land with low productive possibilities.
There is also in print an observation regarding a diplomat of an East European land, "He had a small head like a grenade."
The mother of Ariel aa Robert had been buried in some distant European land.