A pervasive European myth about Inuit is that they killed elderly (senicide) and unproductive people", but this is not generally true.
Soon Arthur became Britain's hero-king, who had to be given a place in written history and in the mainstream of European myth.
Classical pointed hats are worn by the dwarfs, witches and wizards of European myth.
Mohammed Salmawy, editor of Al-Ahram Hebdo, "defended the use of old European myths like the blood libel" in his newspapers.
(The fern too, according to Northern European myth, proffers invisibility.)
This has no relation to vampire bats, which are new world creatures discovered well after the origins of the European myths.
The album endeavours to explore the ancient European myths about Belus: his death, his journey through the underworld and his return.
Her material is oak, perhaps the tree of European myth.
Water-sprites (German: Nixen) appear in many European myths and legends, often but not invariably in a form of disguised malevolence.
There are parallels in several European myths and legends.