Not for America the European notion of hunting estates and parks for the royal and the wealthy.
Christianity and European notions about law and government became ubiquitous in the Americas.
It was similar to the European notion of the divine right of kings in that both sought to legitimize rule from divine approval.
The European notion of soup as a first course came later and, to my mind, underestimates the power of the dish.
It is actually a word based on 17th-century European notions about the Indian caste system.
Low estimates were sometimes reflective of European notions of cultural and racial superiority.
The traditional European notion, he said, considered art an inalienable part of the artist.
Families are firmly connected with the European notion of society.
It was also an advertisement for the European notion.
Finally, we need to acknowledge the fact that China does not share European notions of respect for human rights.