He continued on Eisenhower's staff supervising European reconstruction after the war ended.
Brussels has proposed an Eastern Payments Union, like the one sponsored by the U.S. during Western European reconstruction.
In all, a critic can assume that these clusters work together to present aid for European reconstruction as an irresponsible and un-American plan.
Terms like make sure, think, practical, order, safeguard, live, and prosper construct a refusal of European reconstruction as safe and sensible.
Fontine Ltd became one of the most sought-after consulting firms in America, Victor's expertise primarily aimed at European reconstruction.
The United States government quickly became the main financer of European reconstruction, and the bank shifted its focus to developing countries.
The second reason was economic: the United States were financing European reconstruction through the Marshall Plan.
European reconstruction, in the face of new global realities, was to involve an 'ever closer union' of its peoples.
Long gone are the Marshall Plan times, when we dedicated several percent of our gross domestic product to European reconstruction.
The U.S. is largely conceding the urgent responsibility of Eastern European economic reconstruction to Germany.