I told him also how powerless European science would be to detect it.
Not only we as individuals, but European science collectively, owe you a deep debt of gratitude for what you have done.
His new institute for theoretical physics in Copenhagen became the center of European science.
There is indeed a growing feeling of unease at the lack of coordination in European science and research.
The work of our committee has shown that European science treats its responsibility conscientiously.
Yet we have to take vital steps for the future if we want to retain the unique position of European science in this area.
Yes, this evening and tomorrow at midday are truly important hours for Europe and European science.
These contributions would be further enhanced through the development of an equally important role for European science, encompassing all these values.
Secondly, we want to present a unitary image of European science as a whole.
His work nevertheless had a major impact in other areas of European science.