This took western European visits for the first eight months of this year to 4.82m, another record.
They backed Gene Vincent on two of his European visits.
In at least partial compensation, European visits to the Caribbean have almost doubled since 1987, to 22 percent last year from 11.2 percent.
Cardiff have lost just one of their last five European visits to England and opened the scoring in the sixth minute.
Other programs include European visits with round-trip air fare, accommodations, tickets to the play and two meals daily.
Asked to clarify whether he believed the European visit was simply a photo opportunity, he said: "Apparently it's going to be.
The first European visit to the area was in 1839 by the second disastrous George Grey expedition along the west coast.
His first European visit, in 1858, was shared with Mrs. Wood.
The ecology of the island was affected soon after the beginning of European visits to the island in 1810.
The first recorded European visit was in 1769, when the Portola expedition passed this way.