Barry McEvoy is an Irish film actor/writer best known for writing and playing the lead in An Everlasting Piece (2000), directed by Barry Levinson.
An Everlasting Piece In Barry Levinson's "Tin Men," salesmen pushed aluminum siding in Baltimore.
The Belfast-born actor, 33, wrote the screenplay for "An Everlasting Piece," a Barry Levinson-directed comedy that opens nationally tomorrow and in which he also stars.
In "An Everlasting Piece," the selling of hairpieces becomes a vehicle for an exploration of both Ireland's centuries-old religious strife, and the vulnerable side of male vanity.
One of the running jokes in "An Everlasting Piece" focuses on the source of the hair used in the pieces.
An Everlasting Piece is a 2000 American comedy film.
An Everlasting Piece (2000)
Those qualities are happily evident in his new film, "An Everlasting Piece," another comedy about striving salesmen pushing a product of dubious utility, in this case toupees.
"An Everlasting Piece" is rated R. It includes a profusion of spirited obscenity.
He played the Toupee man in An Everlasting Piece.