Abstract Expressionist works did well last night.
The majority of the Expressionist works were officially labelled Verfallskunst (art of decay) the same month.
These 19th-century Expressionist works are among Norway's greatest cultural treasures.
Abstract Expressionist works are hard to come by these days.
Influenced by Surrealism, his baroquely exaggerated Abstract Expressionist works were heavily charged with symbol and myth.
Top-quality Abstract Expressionist works are hard to come by these days: those in private hands have often been promised to contemporary art museums.
Typified by the leaflike image painted in broad yellow strokes on a white ground, the robust, more or less Abstract Expressionist works are in the majority.
But in today's market, where Abstract Expressionist works are scarce, nobody seems to care why he is selling.
An Art-Collecting Couple The couple's large, pre-war Manhattan apartment is decorated with a highly diverse art collection, including German Expressionist works and inexpensive-looking American china figurines, many in matching pairs.
Expressionist works were painted largely between World War I and World War II, mostly in France, Germany, Norway, Russia, Belgium, and Austria.