It is also alleged that the airline retired one airplane in order to hide it from FAA inspectors.
Testimony from an FAA inspector regarding an extension granted in 1996 was that Alaska Airlines submitted documentation from Boeing as justification for their extension.
For operations not requiring a medical certificate a student pilot certificate can be issued by an FAA inspector or an FAA-designated pilot examiner.
There was the FAA inspector who we'd caught trying to sneak a handgun through our checkpoint--a surprise inspection we'd passed.
Then he yawned, squeezing his eyes shut, and walked straight into the heavyset FAA inspector, who staggered back a few feet.
The plane's occupants consisted of three pilots and an FAA inspector, all of whom were killed in the crash and subsequent fire.
The FAA inspector jumped back, his eyes wide, mouthing the word "Hijacker?"
There's an FAA inspector here who didn't appreciate your tour.
"You recall that FAA inspector, Annette?"