An FAA official was shot to death this morning, also in the Phoenix area.
The two planes missed each other by 20 feet in an incident that was not properly reported to FAA officials at the time.
FAA officials found no discrepancies when they went over all pilots records.
As the rule was drafted, Costello urged FAA officials repeatedly to embody the intent of Congress and issue a strong rule.
The three captured helicopters were being swarmed over by the state police and two local FAA officials.
The bearded man on the screen was Frederick Barker, a former FAA official, no longer with the agency.
But Barker, a former FAA official, would be useful.
I have never seen any FAA official produce one shred of evidence to back their criticisms of me.
An FAA official requested a face-to-face meeting with Cooper aboard the aircraft, which was denied.