The team included FBI investigators and experts in explosives, terrorism and communications.
In a plea agreement, the couple pled guilty to lying to FBI investigators.
Her father worked in the secret service and later as an FBI investigator, while her mother was a school teacher, but both are now retired.
Local police and FBI investigators determined that it was intentionally cut as a deliberate act of vandalism.
On October 4, 22 days after the attack, FBI investigators were finally allowed access to the scene of the attack.
FBI investigators are trying to determine "whether those items were among the items apparently stolen from the public library collection".
FBI investigators waved the story in front of Lee as they interrogated him.
Doctors, citing patient confidentiality, refused to discuss the case with FBI investigators.
FBI investigators joined the effort to decontaminate the site to clear the way for county forensics investigators to examine the body.
All they were supposed to do was make the wimp look enough like me to fool FBI investigators in 1955.