Sometime after the beginning of WXYZ's investigation, Hathaway reportedly became the subject of an FBI probe as a Grand Jury was reportedly empaneled.
They also neglected to call two federal agents who were involved in an FBI probe of Hoskins for allegedly forging Bonds' signature on some memorabilia to make a quick buck.
Trials arising from a two-year FBI probe of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade (CBT) began in 1990.
In April 1986, Associated Press reported on an FBI probe into Contra cocaine trafficking.
We have already begun the character and reference check, the FBI probe, and the Secret Service interviewing.
Also on the 28th, Tom Petters resigned after an FBI probe discovered financial fraud on a massive scale.
Today's Examiner carries a front-page investigative piece that's the latest installment in their ongoing coverage of an FBI probe into city contracting abuses, involving real estate development.
The Financial Times has also has a report about the FBI probe on its front page, although it is not the lead story.
The judges were implicated by another county judge who was being investigated as part of an FBI probe of events at the courthouse in Wilkes-Barre and corruption generally in the county.
The FBI probe caused a war, where a car was firebombed outside of Republican headquarters and 2 cars were blown up in Mandanici's driveway.