Both companies have "realigned our deployment timeline to coincide with potential FCC actions," Sprint notes, but "the deal between the parties remains intact."
Companies that don't comply will face unspecified FCC action.
In the past, FCC actions against violations of regulations was minimal.
If so, should licensees be required to upload their responses, if any, to these FCC actions?
But the protracted legal issues delayed FCC action on the transfer and Westinghouse ultimately withdrew its offer in February 1987.
These upgrades involve other area radio stations and are awaiting FCC action.
RCA also invokes recent FCC actions on behalf of competition in cities.
A new ban on such stations took effect at the beginning of 1974, and was made permanent by a number of later FCC actions.
The video used creative camera angles, thereby avoiding possible FCC action.
Authorizes FCC action to ensure reliable and interoperable access to next generation 9-1-1 services by people with disabilities.