FCC officials claim that technical limitations of wireless internet necessitate looser regulations.
FCC officials in Washington did not press any charges, which could have included a $10,000 fine and imprisonment for a year.
While the rivalry between the two teams spans more than half a century, FCC officials moved the game to Columbus in 1990 to attract more corporate support.
FCC officials declined to take action for the inadvertent expletive.
"There's no way the chairman's office rubber-stamps this transaction," the FCC official told the Journal last week.
The satellite giants-which combined serve about 30 million pay-TV subscribers-convinced FCC officials that they lacked the channel capacity to provide every eligible station in HD immediately.
FCC officials say they hope to release an Order authorizing a new auction soon and get it running some time next year.
In the early 1960s, Nobles drew complaints by listeners and FCC officials over a suggestive reference made while he read a commercial for White Rose Petroleum Jelly.
FCC officials explained their concerns in a press conference.
FCC officials adopted rules similar to the ones proposed by Frontline Wireless.