So it allows regular active FTP by being - basically by participating in the FTP protocol.
No single program was able to reliably download files via both HTTP and FTP protocols.
One of the first things I did was try to use CityDesk to copy files to the new servers using the FTP protocol.
For example, in the FTP protocol, several of the connection setups include your IP address and port number of your machine.
This is an advantage over the common FTP protocol, which does not have provision for uploads to include the original date/timestamp attribute without help.
CDRs are sent using the GTP' or FTP protocol.
It is often used as more secure alternative of an FTP protocol, which transmits file contents, folder contents and even passwords without encryption.
For example, consider the FTP protocol.
Now that SMB has graduated, the FTP protocol is the new second-class network citizen in the Jaguar Finder.
The image can be placed into the Internet by uploading them on a server with the FTP protocol.