Her Fabergé collection was willed to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia, upon her death in 1947.
"You can give them cash or eggs," he said, referring to the Fabergé collection.
Her son Edward VII and her grandson George V nonetheless left their mark by building an impressive Fabergé collection, part of which is on display here.
"Everyone can relate to Fabergé," said Mitchell Merling, a curator at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, which has a substantial Fabergé collection.
Mr. Vekselberg has agreed to show part of his Fabergé collection at the Moscow fair.
Malcolm Forbes's five children have been selling portions of the Fabergé collection, but none of the Imperial eggs, since 1990, when Forbes died.
The comedian Joan Rivers and her daughter, Melissa, are selling most of their Fabergé collection at the Sotheby's sale.
Houston stared moodily at the Fabergé collection.
A Russian billionaire has bought the entire Fabergé collection owned by the family of Malcolm Forbes and is taking it back to Russia.
Attempting to give their Fabergé collection to the Metropolitan Museum, the Linskys were rebuffed, as the museum stated it was not interested in "Edwardian decorative trivia".