The revamped newscast's first week was not well received by most viewers or critics, with the station fielding numerous complaints through phone calls, emails and Facebook comments,.
He writes an average of four books a year plus columns, plus a stream of comments to blogs, plus Facebook comments, plus tweets and emails.
One Facebook comment said: 'No wonder everyone is thick ... inbreeding must damage brain development.'
Printouts of the Facebook comments were posted on fencing near the school.
Using the Conversocial platform, companies are able to quickly and effectively resolve, and get insight from, the flood of Facebook comments and tweets from their customers.
You can't ignore Facebook comments about your colleagues.
Ms. James likened the Facebook comments to "basically police terrorism, when you talk about bombing individuals."
Jamere Holland was dismissed from the Oregon football team for his Facebook comments.
During NBC's "Meet the Press" debate earlier this month, viewers were able to see Facebook comments and queries on screen.
Osborn noted that the debate generated 860,000 total online streams between January 8 and 12 and more than 45,000 Facebook comments.