The new Facebook feature, though, was the equivalent of broadcasting that conversation over the public address system.
Next, let's look at how to refine your privacy settings with some additional Facebook features.
The new Facebook feature uses facial recognition technology to speed up the process of labeling friends and acquaintances in photos.
Facebook held a special media event on Wednesday to introduce "awesome" new Facebook features.
This did not replace the built in Facebook uploading feature, but added to it for any files that were already uploaded to their Dropbox storage account.
An Israeli couple named their child "Like" after the Facebook feature in 2011.
Want to turn off the new Facebook features and revert to the old style?
As with other Facebook features, users can adjust from whom they can receive messages from-including just friends, friends of friends, or from anyone.
Chat isn't the only new Facebook feature to make an appearance: native support for Facebook Places check-ins is rumored too.
The patched Facebook features allow players to post details of the game session just played, including the in-game names of those who took part, and who won.