User profiles can display a comment, similar to a Facebook status, which can show a short message.
I changed my Facebook status to "single" yesterday and immediately got ads for over-50 singles, lots of them.
Nearly 35% of respondents in a study admitted to using their Facebook status to make someone think that they had plans, even if they didn't.
We'll have you up and running, reading celebrity gossip and updating your Facebook status in no time.
"Chimes" are a cross between a Facebook status update and a blog post.
This should lead on everybody's Twitter accounts and Facebook status.
Facebook statuses and Tweets are read out as well.
This record had no promotion except for a single Facebook status.
At 9:30 a.m., your friend updated her Facebook status with, "got the job!"
For some folks, apparently, polite company doesn't extend to a Facebook status update.